IIS, Visual Studio, unable to start debugging on the web server.

Background So this is another logging this issue after some frustrating problem sovling process. This is to help future me when I forget the same windows configuration step in another 8-15 months, maybe it’ll help you too. On Windows 8 you have go in and turn on many individual items to just get an ASP.NETContinue reading “IIS, Visual Studio, unable to start debugging on the web server.”

Recovering a docker vm on Windows with Virtual Box

NOTE: this is more of a windows / virtual box problem but the boot2docker experience as will a lot of things is not great on Windows… yet. I was running the docker VM with 2 newly configured containers, all was going good, the docker part was quite easy (once up and running) then my entireContinue reading “Recovering a docker vm on Windows with Virtual Box”

Tracking application errors with Raygun.io

A nice coincidence a few weeks was the news of Raygun going in to public beta crossing my radar. At the time we were fine tuning some things in an application that was in a private beta, we had put a little effort in to ensure that we would get reliable results about errors thatContinue reading “Tracking application errors with Raygun.io”

When you need to generate and send templated emails, consider mailzor

Mailzor is a basic utility library to help generate and send emails using the Razor view engine to populate email templates, designed to be quickly pluggable into your .NET app. In our applications we send out HTML formatted emails, and seed them with a variety of data. I thought it would be easy to writeContinue reading “When you need to generate and send templated emails, consider mailzor”

Automating IIS actions with PowerShell – Create Multiple Sites

I’m working towards a more complex SignalR based post, but in the mean time part of the work on that involves setting up a few ASP.NET web apps. If you’re after a more comprehensive guide check out this post on learn.iis.net by Thomas Deml. I’ve summarised the steps required to get some basic .NET 4Continue reading “Automating IIS actions with PowerShell – Create Multiple Sites”

CoffeeScript, Jasmine tests with Cassette and Mindscape Web Workbench Visual Studio Extension

Wow that’s one hell of a title, I couldn’t make it any shorter, but that’s everything we’re dealing with in this post. Some Background We’ve got an ASP.NET MVC 4 web application and we’re using Cassette to bundle and minify the JavaScript and CSS files, the reason is that the new Beta 2 MVC 4Continue reading “CoffeeScript, Jasmine tests with Cassette and Mindscape Web Workbench Visual Studio Extension”

Tweaking a VS2010 plugin to run JSLint in the command line

We’ve gone to some lengths at work to automate, and have a continuous delivery style pipeline for all things build and deployment related. It’s well on its way, but not ‘perfect’ yet. Maybe perfection isn’t attainable, or maybe when you have a red button on the desk that when pushed does *everything*. None-the-less aiming forContinue reading “Tweaking a VS2010 plugin to run JSLint in the command line”

Perfect Password Paragraphs

Over the last few months at least in the streams of information I typically consume, direct issues: Security Now topic of Password Haystacks, xkcs’s comic, Coding Horror, and indirect: Scott Hanselman one and two. Have all commented on the issue around passwords and strength and the need for better passwords. In this post I amContinue reading “Perfect Password Paragraphs”

PowerShell Recursive Rename for an SVN directory

On a large repository, I was attempting to rename the SVN tracking folders that are nested at every directory level, I needed to do this because of a difference in the leading character ‘.’ (period) vs ‘_’ (underscore). I know this could have easily been resolved with a new fetch but I wanted to avoidContinue reading “PowerShell Recursive Rename for an SVN directory”

SoSlow Data Import for StackOverflow Data-Dump

Just as a quick update post on my on going series of posts on using PLINQ on Stack Overflow data-dump. In my initial post where the core of what I was doing was outlined, at the time the popular (and quickly found) option was to use a series of stored procedures made available by BrentContinue reading “SoSlow Data Import for StackOverflow Data-Dump”